Freedom of Speech

Despite the title, many people think that is it; the freedom to say and write whatever you want. News flash, WRONG! Freedom of speech means writing and saying whatever you want but responsibly. And a responsible politician is hard to come by (at least in Malaysia). There are one or two guys (Mahathir's definitely on that list, that's for sure) who are not politically corrupt (or not that bad), articulate speakers (if you don't know what articulate means, there's something called the dictionary), and actually has a (his/her own) vision for the country. This is probably going to get my ass in deep s___ but here it goes; A number (not all) of Badawi's plans, are from Mahathir. There was this project, a project that Mahathir lectured him for 2 years and he (Badawi) took an oath to carry out the plan. What did he do the moment he was in office? Scrapped it, that's what! But if you stop to ponder, this reflects human nature, we cannot trust ourselves with power. Unfortunately, we have to, in order to keep ourselves alive, and happy. The sum of all our fears isn't a nuclear holocaust, it isn't some alien coming down and wiping us out, it's ourselves. We alone have the power to protect ourselves or to destroy ourselves. Many have heard that the 'golden' question is 'what is our purpose on this planet?'. Some theorize it's because we're the only one who can protect the animals and the enviroment. But if we hadn't come into the picture, a multitude of animals wouldn't have gone extinct, the ozone layer wouldn't be thinning and the earth would go on. All we do is boss each other around, destroy the enviroment, and find ever more imaginative ways to destroy each other.


mia said…
i didnt know you had a blog..
so anyway about the article.
mahathir is corrupt... dont confuse that. but he made up for it by putting our country on the map. stuff like, klcc,putrajaya and many things that he thought would put our country in front...he thought that building structures that are mordern he can push the malay mantality forward...
obviously that ain't true...
in fact now that badawi has taken over, klcc is taken over by the mat rempits. badawi is also blamed for the demonstration of the HINDRAF felers...
kapal singh said that the HINDRAF group has no solid ground to stand on,on their trying to sue the british...
what they SHOULD do is sue the malaysian goverment. this country is supposed to be an intergrated country... if that is so why do most of the favours go to the malays? UMNO takes care of the malays...what about the rest of the country?

REGARDS pyco pa's kid

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