Hari Raya Eid il Adha

Somehow everyone else seems to have managed to publish pre-Raya posts. I wasn't. Yet I didn't do anything. Go figure. I went back to Banting (dad's side) today. It was raining since last night. I hate it when that happens. They make the day either gloomy and cold or blistering hot. In this case it was the former. Not to mention wet. And it rained the whole day! But everyone probably noticed so there's no use in exaggerating it.

Back to Eid il Adha, my family wanted to go perform the Raya prayers at Masjid Putrajaya as we expected it to be at least emptier than in BJ. Previous years we missed it because the mosque in BJ was always overflowing. But this year, the cars were parked all the way down the Boulevard. It was crazy. People usually leave AFTER the khutbah (sermon) so when we saw people leaving, we naturally thought we missed altogether. Especially since listening to the khutbah is one of the rukun for the Raya prayers. Then we realized that people were skipping the khutbah. So we walked towards the mosque. But not before we watched a group of Arabs demonstrate how uncivilised they were.

Here's what happened; a Perdana saw an empty spot and wanted to take it. But the spot could barely fit a Kancil. Then as he was backing up, a Wira came up right behind him, honking. He wanted the spot too. A Saga then joined the action. And the Saga was BEHIND the Wira. Wonder whether their brain is the size of a peanut or a green pea. The Perdana gave up the spot to the Wira and the Wira couldn't get the right angle so he left too. Then the Saga squeezed himself in. It's amazing he didn't hit anything. I felt like laughing and pointing at their stupidity.

After that good laugh, we proceeded towards the mosque but by the time we arrived, it was too late so we went downstairs to have breakfast. The options there can be described in one word; pathetic. Seriously, there was nothing much there. The Chicken Rice cost RM7. What are they trying to do? Buy a Merc. Then again, that isn't exactly surprising. Nando's unfortunately wasn't open. Then there's a Mamak stall at the other end. We hate the ambience at this Mamak places so we went for the only alternative left; some stall called Kelly's something something. The price was OK but the serving was meagre. I think stray animals get a slightly better share. Blagh! The walk back to the car was more serene. Everyone had left so it wasn't so bad. More relaxing.

The journey to Banting was slightly more eventful. We blasted the rock songs! Woohoo! Van Halen, Whitesnake, Led Zeppelin & Rainbow. We weren't able to burn the other CDs so that had to do for the time being. It was good enough. A lot of "hero kampung" as my dad puts it. All the Gung Ho drivers.

The rest of the day spent in Banting was rather uneventful. Everyone was bored. Two of my youngest cousins fought over the TV. On the way back, my bro fell asleep. I dozed off a bit too.

All in all it's been a tiring day. I'm beat.


Anonymous said…
appreciate art, hahaa
i found it rather amusing,it speaks like me
syazzone said…
haha. realyy?
well, im confused.
i guess. we juast dont have the talent in malaysia.
or the players are just too lazy to improve themselves.
mia said…
what else do i have to do BUT think?
holiday+overprotective mum+no siblings+too many books+stupid tv shows on tv2= rather dull holiday.
my holiday homework ain't dona yet cuz no text book, now i have no excuse, have to do homework.
3 cars, and half a parking spot?
pergi masjid nak sembahyang and you fight for a parking spot.
that is stupid, and hilarious for anyone who notices.
honestly, its disgusting.
anyway, you guys were right, the mosque in BJ was filled, well, the one on my street was, my mum and I could barely make it out of there!!!
anywho, how can you hate the mamak store??
thats like a Malaysian special!
you cant find that kind of ambiance anywhere else in the world!!!
my mum and her friend hit the the mamak store the first thing after coming back from overseas.
its THE Malaysian thing, right above wearing crocs!!!
Anonymous said…
they werent waiting for sumone. They were like looking through those papers about d saloon.
Hah! If I were you, I'll be laughing, rolling on the floor
mia said…
dude, you are Malaysia, be Malaysian (Tropic Thunder)
Aaron, hhhmmmm, well, you seem to stress how hot he is and stuff like that instead of him, that makes me feel like as if, HE himself don't know who he is, sorta like he has no personality, like a jock.
and Maya seems to like him right?
well, i dont understand why. Bella did not know why either, but then Edward had a persona of Mystery...
but Aaron does not really have a persona shaped yet...
you dont have to make him Mysterious... in fact keep a bit of lightness in the story as you will or want to, just don't let Maya fall in love with somebody without a real connection.
sorry if o have given to much advice, don't ponder in it to much, cuz then you'll get writer's block, if you think TOO much.

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