Life Is Blissful

I can't believe my good fortune!! Alhamdulillah. I am thankful for all the Almighty has given me. I have an 80GB PS3 sitting in my living room, I got my PMR results on the beach -- and they were excellent -- and a pair of brand new Salomon sneaks -- which cost RM400++ but were on discount. 50%!! And they're gorgeous. Gorgeous her implying that they look awesome. Anyway, it was a deal simply to good for me to pass up. One last thing I'm adding to that list of 'good fortune'. Faiz, this is the answer to your question; a HP Mini 10001TU. I'm publishing this post from my brand new laptop!! YEEHAW!! I finally have my own laptop!! Faiz, I hope that answers your question.

And Dayana, don't believe what the locals say about Kellie's Castle being haunted. The only people haunting the place would be the Indian labourers who died during the outbreak of Spanish Influenza... A steaming pile of b.s. is all the locals are telling. Sure, there might be things at Kellie's Castle but they sure as hell ain't William Kellie-Smith or his relatives.

Anyway, school is starting soon. Very soon. I'm happy I got 'A' for Science and Math. I'm not sure whether I'm going to pick up Add Math. I don't really feel like it. But I will consult my parents. They know better.

Really miss everyone. Oh, and tomorrow show up to get SPBT books and to know what stream/class you'll be going to. Yes, the Form 1 Orientation Day is also tomorrow but that's what Pn. Zana told me... Even Datin said it... So please, show up. I'm not sure why it wasn't announced on Tuesday or if it was, why no one heard it but that's not important.

Anywho, just to post that. Happy New Year everyone and good luck for Form 4. Arif, is 4 Epsilon the top class?


Arif said…
yeah, 4 Epsilon is the 1st class probably. My mum said that this class is full of straight A students
congratulations on your results darling! i'm so happy for you..and you got a laptop for the excellent results? I ENVY YOU. ;p

yeah. she has been my idol since forever. she's so beautiful and the best thing is that she did nothing to her face/body (plastic surgery), and still looked gorgeous as ever until her last days of life.

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