Debate MSSD

Today we had the Debate MSSD tournament. We lost in the first round -- again. This time I can safely say it is mainly due to the teachers' failures in playing their parts. The lineup was changed at the last minute and those who had been doing the research from the beginning dropped out completely. Not that I blame them as they were giving everything they got into the debate team even though they were PMR candidates.

But at least, the teachers who had changed the lineup showed up during our training sessions. Most of them anyway. Pn. Ranjitha had just scolded us for more or less absolutely no reason and before the tournament, she had sternly told us that we could not lose to SMK Sri Muda. But you know what, I'm glad Sri Muda won because it shows just how arrogant our teachers can be. If she so much as tries to lecture us tomorrow, I swear, I'm throwing her off the fourth floor -- that'll be third if you coun't the 1st floor as ground floor.

But I have to honestly say, we had a better prepration than last year. A job well done to Sharanya & Letticia. QM, thanks for all your efforts and hard work.


Anonymous said…
we did the best we could(:

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