Trials are over! Phew. At last. But unfortunately, those are only the trials. The real SPM is yet to come. -Sigh-. At least I'll get a break, I hope. Hehe. I'm going to enjoy not studying right now.
As the title suggests, this has something to do with footwear. It's difficult to find footwear that will last at least 3 years in terms of not falling apart. Most will fall apart after 3 months. My current sneakers held up for about a year+ thankfully. But now it's falling apart so I need a new one. No more Nike for me. But I'm still not getting Adidas. Yes, I'm a Nike person for life. But I'm not buying any Nike from Malaysia. Minimal quality control -- if there is any to start with. I'm considering either Puma, Fila or Skechers for my next sneakers. I'm hoping it won't fall apart either. Those Fila sneaks aren't that bad. Neither are the Skechers. I'm torn between going for the tennis shoe-style sneakers or for the hardy hiking boots... If I go for the hiking boots, I'll look for Colombia or something. Hm... I think it's time I had somewhat of a makeover. Tennis shoe-styled sneakers it is. As for the sandals, that's ...
Lue has left back for Canada. :( This past Saturday, we went to watch Gulliver's Travels. It was a fun movie. Jack Black really likes his rock and roll. Hehehe! Of course, I'm not complaining, the guy can actually sing. Before the movie, Akid was kind of hunting around for a camera. We had bought a Sony Cybershot TX-9 sometime back but about two weeks ago, it got stolen. :(. I won't delve into the details. Quite disheartened by that incident. So he was seriously considering a DSLR which is kind of unfair because I've always wanted one but I never pushed for it because it cost so much. I guess I can be a bit more careful with money than my little brother. We woke up early the next day because we needed to send Lue to the airport. :(. It was fun having her around. Everyone was sad at the airport. Heh. We had so much fun and 3 weeks went by so quickly. Huhu. After she left, we had breakfast at McDonald's then we went hunting for cameras around KLIA bec...
I'm glad the school holidays are here. Unfortunately, they have brought quite a lot of disappointment in the past 3 days. I'm actually scared of what is to come the next 2 weeks. I'll only be writing about my main frustration which is about the cancellation of our vacation to Australia thanks to my little brother I HATE HIM!!! He burned 4 fucking grand on a Sony VAIO laptop he doesn't even fucking need. His laptop costs more than a round trip to Australia for fucking out loud. He's the one who insisted on going to Australia and he's the one who was so adamant we save. And then he prances along and burns 2 grand on the PS3, RM200++ on a computer game and 4 FUCKING grand on a laptop!! Why the laptop? So he can play with it around the house. FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!!! I waited until AFTER PMR for a laptop and he gets it just like that. I friggin' hate him I'd kill him myself if he wasn't my brother. The latter is what really ticks me off. P.S. Enjoy the ...