Rugby MSSD Day 1

Today was the first day of the Rugby MSSD tournament. It was good. The games we participated in were clean and good. No one got seriously injured.

We got our butts whooped in the first game but we did slightly better in the second. We still lost but at least we closed the gap.

Our first game was against SMK Bandar Sunway. Their mean demeanor on the field affected our mental game and well, we got our butts whooped.

The second game was better. They didn't put on such a fierce demeanor but they played their worth. All in all, it was an awesome day. I managed to snap some pics but no game pics. Sorry guys & girls, but we weren't allowed to bring our phones to the field. And quite frankly, we'd be stupid too. So the best I got was everyone lined up.

With the coach

Without the coach


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