The Last Day of 2009

31st December 2009.

It is the last day of the year. I just got my bike tuned and now I'm -- literally -- waiting for and fearing the day school reopens. Why waiting? Because I want to cycle everyday on my mountain bike and see Liyana again and drag my feet to the bathroom every morning -- OK, maybe not quite -- and I want to see all of my friends again. That's a lot of 'and's... Phew. About fearing the school reopening, I fear it because it means the long yet short countdown -- does that make sense? -- to SPM has begun.

Recapping the year, it certainly has been eventful if not rickety. But then again, you're not living as a teenager if the roller-coaster ride that is life doesn't fly off the tracks every now and again. My birthday was certainly a momentous one. I got a new bike which was a big deal for me. My old bike was 6 years old and getting small. I was a bit sad when I knew I wasn't going to be using the old bike anymore because I've been through a lot with it. Literally. But I'm also happy that the old bike has a 'new' owner -- my little brother. He's not exactly a super-avid cyclist so it does the job.

Wow. Long post. Didn't expect it to be this long. A lot of changes -- good and bad -- this year and -- yet another 'and' -- I hope that next year -- which starts in less than 12 hours -- has much more in store. Preferably more good things. Hehe.

That's all for now.

Happy New Year!


syazzone said…
happy new year aqil.
and yeah i still got the guitar.. u can assume that the guitar to me is like your bike to you la.

all that we hve been through. haha.

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