"Is Creation a Viable Model of Origins?" Debate
This are my opinions on the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham on whether the creation model is a viable model of origins. Before I start, let me just make it clear that I'm personally 50-50 in terms of my opinions on the model of origins. Not undecided, but rather my opinions (or belief, perhaps?) on it draws from both elements of creationism and mainstream science. In both the Quran and the Bible, it is stated that God created the universe in six days. Do I doubt this? No I don't. I personally believe that during the period of the formation of the Earth, everything was so volatile, so unstable, one day could've easily been much much longer than 24 hours. Other planets in our solar system have different lengths of days. For example, this excerpt from Universe Today, "A day on Venus is 243 Earth days. Venus' day is actually longer than its year. It only takes 224.7 Earth days for the planet to orbit around the sun. (Read more: http://...