The Last Weekend

Lue has left back for Canada. :(

This past Saturday, we went to watch Gulliver's Travels. It was a fun movie. Jack Black really likes his rock and roll. Hehehe! Of course, I'm not complaining, the guy can actually sing.

Before the movie, Akid was kind of hunting around for a camera. We had bought a Sony Cybershot TX-9 sometime back but about two weeks ago, it got stolen. :(. I won't delve into the details. Quite disheartened by that incident. So he was seriously considering a DSLR which is kind of unfair because I've always wanted one but I never pushed for it because it cost so much. I guess I can be a bit more careful with money than my little brother.

We woke up early the next day because we needed to send Lue to the airport. :(. It was fun having her around. Everyone was sad at the airport. Heh. We had so much fun and 3 weeks went by so quickly. Huhu. After she left, we had breakfast at McDonald's then we went hunting for cameras around KLIA because it's duty free. Hehe. They didn't have the model Akid wanted so we left for the Gardens.

In the Gardens we went to the Sony Store and after some consideration, Akid agreed to forgo his preferred model and get something 'lower'. Lower as in instead of the Alpha 55, he opted for the Alpha 33. Heh. Well, if they had that one in stock, we would have got an extra lens for only RM100 more. I'd say a pretty good deal. However, after they checked their stock, they were out. Heck, the Sony headquarters was out. So back to the Alpha 55.

Now it's sitting in Akid's room. I took some pictures while Akid was in school. Hehehe!


syazzone said…
violin is quite hard cuz u realy have to know where the note is.. so, if someone ask me to play it, i cant becuz, heh i'd probably had forgotten the notes..

why dont u buy nikon? i would prefer dat rather than alpha becuz getting the parts for alpha is quite hard compared to nikon..
im a fan of nikon so i may be biased. haha
syazzone said…
oh well. it is still a camera and as long as u can capture pictures with it, you should be happy. haha
syazzone said…
tq aqil..
i'm gonna take up medicine..:)
syazzone said…
hmm.. yeah. i was thinking of cardiology.. even more specific, pediatric cardiology. but, i try not to focus too much on that for now.. because u'll never know what will happen in 5 years time rite..
syazzone said…
thx. :) gdluck to u too in everything u do..

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