Open Season?
Classes have resumed. Last two semesters have felt like open season & I was the deer. Mechanics & Heat in the short semester, then Multivariate Calculus in the following semester were really a blow to my CGPA. I've probably rambled a lot about this so I'm not going to say anything more. Let's just hope that hunting season is over & this little deer is not going to face anymore trouble. This semester I'm only taking 3 subjects; Thermodynamics, Electricity & Light, & retaking Multivariate Calculus. Multivariate Calculus has a new lecturer so hopefully she's good. Going to work hard at all my papers now. Have to. Need to bring up my CGPA so I can apply. Talking about applications, I'm now looking at Canada rather than the States due -- primarily -- to safety issues... There has been literally a shooting every week. It's frightening. Going to apply to McMaster, University of Calgary, & Queen's. ...