Right off the bat I'm sure you guys are wondering either;
(A) What on Earth do those acronyms mean?
(B) Aqil mentioned them before... But I can't remember...

Either way, I'll let you know. SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test -- formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test. TOEFL stands for Test Of English as A Foreign Language.

Right now, these two are my top priority. Preparing for and taking the tests. For the TOEFL, I'll be taking TOEFL iBT which means internet-based test. I recently bought a couple of books to help with preparations. The titles are; Cracking the SAT 2011 Edition and Cracking the TOEFL iBT 2011 Edition. Both are published by The Princeton Review.

Cracking the SAT 2011 Edition
by The Princeton Review

Cracking the TOEFL iBT 2011 Edition
by The Princeton Review

Insyaallah I'll be able to do it. SAT so far seems quite doable. Hehe!

That's all for now. Au revoir!


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